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- Ofertă de Sf. Paști la pensiunea Fata Morgana
Prindeți ultima ofertă pentru odihna de Paști!
Grăbiți-vă și ve-ți avea o sărbătoare de vis!
Ziua 1 - Sîmbătă (11.04.2015)
Ziua 2 - Duminică (12.04.2015)
Preț pachet: 750-00 lei/persoană
Prelungire program:
8. Distracții de sărbătoare (muzică, caraoke, film)
9. Cazare
Ziua 3 - Luni (13.04.2015)
Pret pachet: 950-00 lei/persoană
Contacte: Web: http://www.fatamorgana.md/ E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Skype: Fata Morgana, Molovata Facebook: Fata Morgana, Molovata Tel: +373-691-23-310, +373-699-17-775, +373-687-66-055 Persoana de contact - Crețu Anatolie |
ANTREC-Moldova is a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit organization that promotes rural, ecological and cultural tourism in Moldova from 2000. ANTREC-Moldova is the first professional rural tourism association in our country, that have created a network of guesthouses. The positive results obtained by ANTREC, throughout its activities, is due to our team: country's top specialists involvements in the fields of culture, ethnology, history, law, economics, ecology, crafts, etc.